Tuesday 29 May 2007

Never been happier

Despite the early mornings, interrupted nights, never being able to sit down and constantly worrying about how every little word I say could have a huge impact on them, the best thing about being a Pseudo Dad - or any dad for that matter - is how all of this can just melt away with a smile or a few loving words.

Leaving the house today The Boy and The Girl were waving goodbye to me. The Girl shouted "Bye Daddy," a slip that has happened before as I've known her since she had just turned three. I have honestly never seeked to encourage it, because as bad as Biological Dad is, he's still her dad, and us insisting that I am also her dad could only confuse her. But when she said it today I just turned around to say goodbye, deciding not to mention what I thought was a slip. "But you are like a daddy to us," she said, clearly having said it on purpose. "And you're like a daughter to me," I said without thinking, but meaning every letter of it. I know we'll have tough days ahead, a la "You're not my Dad," but I've never been happier.

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